Monday, 24 October 2011

gardening info- to do list

Yes we've all had them some still use them the TO DO LIST
 Take compost to wormery
 Water seedlings
 Check foxglove seedlings in tunnel
 Plant stock take
 Check seeedlings in small greenhouse
 How are propagated plants doing?
 Turn compost heap
 Cut comfrey

 Pot up strawberry runners and these jobs were not even on the TO DO LIST,these are OMG I'll have to them today

Sunday, 23 October 2011

gardening info-small disaster

You know those small mishaps that happen especially at the end of the day,well here's my latest,seedlings having a water when you know what's coming yep the rose comes off the can and bye-bye seedlings S%&£

gardening info- wheat grass

Wheat grass grown in small trays inside polytunnel by my colleague Annick who extracted the juice giving a beneficial drink. Wheat grass consumption began in the 1930's as a result of experiments by Charles F Schnabel It has been argued that Wheat grass helps blood flow digestion and general detoxification of the body. I have tasted it and I have had no side effects except that I need scarifying in the Autumn to prevent moss

Monday, 17 October 2011

gardening info-germination with the moon

Gardening with the Moon is getting a little complicated, well that is if I let it, this is just a little experiment just to see if the Earth/Moon relationship works or is it just coincidence. Basically these plants have had a decent germination and were sown roughly a month ago, the chart I'm working from says that it is favourable to sow again tomorrow possibly Wednesday,but I know the temperature/light will be different,interesting!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

gardening info- OH NO

OH NO Just when you thought I was regaining my sanity look what happens I've set up another snailery.What do you want another one for? I here you say,well I've got a lot of snails,joking aside they are beginning to work.This one again is fitted out with self contained apartments and you can see one of the happy tenants settling in

gardening info- butterfly area path

The path area for the butterfly garden was dug out as well as the large area for the largest butterfly mosaic.The path will hopefully be finished by November,and the large butterfly bedded in,small mosaics to follow and then the planting begins

Sunday, 9 October 2011

gardening info- butterfly area

A great start by the Wednesday Volunteers at the National Wildflower Centre clearing an area that is going to be planted up to attract more butterflies into the area which as well as plants will festooned with butterfly mosiacs made by local groups under the watchful eye of Tracey(local and very good artist).I've left details out as I've lost the bit of paper with them on ,anyway watch this blog for progress and to all involved so far, you know who you are THANK YOU

gardening info- new residents

New residents moved into the snailery(one of the few if not the only one in the North West) recently,this time of year though not much useful compost is being made,WHY NOT you may ask,well .......................the snails are starting to hibernate zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

gardening info- wormeries

These are the methods of worm composting that I use at work to produce a valuable nutrient rich soil improver (worm poo and juice to you and I ).These photos show the compost produced in a bought ,recycled,and a constructed wormery and a tumbler wormery.The bought wormery is the one that produces compost and liquid,but the others can be adapted. It's not easy,but I will say this give it a go,start off small and you'll soon get in to it